Talks and tutorials
If you just want to download Flowable and have a quick play, this is a good article to follow:
Instant Gratification with Flowable 6Here are some talks we’ve given:
bpmNEXT 2019: The Case of the Intentional ProcessDevoxx 2019: Flowable business processing from Kafka events
bpmNEXT 2018: Making Process Personal
Jax London 2018: Using transactional BPM for service orchestration on NoSQL
Devoxx 2017: Introducing AI to the Flowable Process Engines
bpmNEXT 2017: Making Business Processes Dance to the User’s Tune
Codemotion 2017: Introducing AI to the Flowable Process Engines
FlowFest Community Event tasks:
FlowFest 2018: All talksFlowFest 2019: All talks
And links to some others:
Josh Long: Spring Tips: Business Process Management with FlowableGetting started
This is the best place to start if you’re new to Flowable. It shows you how to get up and running in minutes, either with the UI Apps or introducing you to the basics of the Engine API.
The User Guides contain a detailed explanation of the different Flowable engine features. BPMN for process management, CMMN for case management and DMN for decision rules.
Flowable has rich REST APIs that provides almost full coverage of the Flowable Java APIs. These are the easiest and most flexible APIs to work with. In addition we’ve added Swagger in Flowable v6. Boot up the Flowable REST app to try it out by accessing http://localhost:8080/flowable-rest/docs

Flowable 5 Migration
Flowable 5 Migration
The migration guide provides information on how to upgrade Flowable or Activiti v5 to Flowable v6. There are no database changes needed and for most people just renames of packages and classes.
View the Migration Guide
Flowable 5 Documentation
The Flowable 5 version of the documentation items above can be found on these pages.