Interface HistoricTaskInstanceQuery

All Superinterfaces:
org.flowable.common.engine.api.query.DeleteQuery<HistoricTaskInstanceQuery,HistoricTaskInstance>, org.flowable.common.engine.api.query.Query<HistoricTaskInstanceQuery,HistoricTaskInstance>, TaskInfoQuery<HistoricTaskInstanceQuery,HistoricTaskInstance>

public interface HistoricTaskInstanceQuery extends TaskInfoQuery<HistoricTaskInstanceQuery,HistoricTaskInstance>, org.flowable.common.engine.api.query.DeleteQuery<HistoricTaskInstanceQuery,HistoricTaskInstance>
Allows programmatic querying for HistoricTaskInstances.
Tom Baeyens, Joram Barrez
  • Method Details

    • taskDeleteReason

      HistoricTaskInstanceQuery taskDeleteReason(String taskDeleteReason)
      Only select historic task instances with the given task delete reason.
    • taskDeleteReasonLike

      HistoricTaskInstanceQuery taskDeleteReasonLike(String taskDeleteReasonLike)
      Only select historic task instances with a task description like the given value. The syntax that should be used is the same as in SQL, eg. %test%.
    • finished

      Only select historic task instances which are finished.
    • unfinished

      Only select historic task instances which aren't finished yet.
    • processFinished

      HistoricTaskInstanceQuery processFinished()
      Only select historic task instances which are part of a process instance which is already finished.
    • processUnfinished

      HistoricTaskInstanceQuery processUnfinished()
      Only select historic task instances which are part of a process instance which is not finished yet.
    • taskParentTaskId

      HistoricTaskInstanceQuery taskParentTaskId(String parentTaskId)
      Only select subtasks of the given parent task
    • taskCompletedOn

      HistoricTaskInstanceQuery taskCompletedOn(Date endDate)
      Only select historic task instances which are completed on the given date
    • taskCompletedBefore

      HistoricTaskInstanceQuery taskCompletedBefore(Date endDate)
      Only select historic task instances which are completed before the given date
    • taskCompletedAfter

      HistoricTaskInstanceQuery taskCompletedAfter(Date endDate)
      Only select historic task instances which are completed after the given date
    • taskCompletedBy

      HistoricTaskInstanceQuery taskCompletedBy(String userId)
      Only select historic task instances which are completed by the given user
    • taskWithoutDeleteReason

      HistoricTaskInstanceQuery taskWithoutDeleteReason()
      Only select historic tasks without a delete reason (completed normally)
    • orderByHistoricActivityInstanceId

      HistoricTaskInstanceQuery orderByHistoricActivityInstanceId()
      Order by the historic activity instance id this task was used in (needs to be followed by Query.asc() or Query.desc()).
    • orderByHistoricTaskInstanceDuration

      HistoricTaskInstanceQuery orderByHistoricTaskInstanceDuration()
      Order by duration (needs to be followed by Query.asc() or Query.desc()).
    • orderByHistoricTaskInstanceEndTime

      HistoricTaskInstanceQuery orderByHistoricTaskInstanceEndTime()
      Order by end time (needs to be followed by Query.asc() or Query.desc()).
    • orderByHistoricTaskInstanceStartTime

      HistoricTaskInstanceQuery orderByHistoricTaskInstanceStartTime()
      Order by start time (needs to be followed by Query.asc() or Query.desc()).
    • orderByDeleteReason

      HistoricTaskInstanceQuery orderByDeleteReason()
      Order by task delete reason (needs to be followed by Query.asc() or Query.desc()).