All Classes and Interfaces

Defines the different states of delegation that a task can be in.
Exposes twitter-like feeds for tasks and process instances.
Represents a historic task instance (waiting, finished or deleted) that is stored permanent for statistics, audit and other business intelligence purposes.
Allows programmatic querying for HistoricTaskInstances.
Interface to create and add task log entry
Allows programmatic querying of HistoricTaskLogEntrys;
Allows querying of HistoricTaskLogEntrys via native (SQL) queries
Allows querying of Tasks via native (SQL) queries
Represents one task for a human user.
Wraps TaskInfo to the builder.
This builder is an alternative to using any of the complete methods on the TaskService.
TaskInfoQuery<T extends TaskInfoQuery<?,?>,V extends TaskInfo>
Interface containing shared methods between the TaskQuery and the HistoricTaskInstanceQuery.
This is a helper class to help you work with the TaskInfoQuery, without having to care about the awful generics.
Allows programmatic querying of Tasks;