Interface ChannelDefinitionQuery

    • Method Detail

      • channelDefinitionId

        ChannelDefinitionQuery channelDefinitionId​(String channelDefinitionId)
        Only select channel definition with the given id.
      • channelDefinitionIds

        ChannelDefinitionQuery channelDefinitionIds​(Set<String> channelDefinitionIds)
        Only select channel definitions with the given ids.
      • channelCategoryLike

        ChannelDefinitionQuery channelCategoryLike​(String categoryLike)
        Only select channel definitions where the category matches the given parameter. The syntax that should be used is the same as in SQL, eg. %test%
      • channelCategoryNotEquals

        ChannelDefinitionQuery channelCategoryNotEquals​(String categoryNotEquals)
        Only select channel definitions that have a different category then the given one.
      • channelDefinitionName

        ChannelDefinitionQuery channelDefinitionName​(String channelDefinitionName)
        Only select channel definitions with the given name.
      • channelDefinitionNameLike

        ChannelDefinitionQuery channelDefinitionNameLike​(String channelDefinitionNameLike)
        Only select channel definitions where the name matches the given parameter. The syntax that should be used is the same as in SQL, eg. %test%
      • channelDefinitionNameLikeIgnoreCase

        ChannelDefinitionQuery channelDefinitionNameLikeIgnoreCase​(String nameLikeIgnoreCase)
        Only select channel definitions where the name matches the given parameter (case-insensitive). The syntax that should be used is the same as in SQL, eg. %test%
      • deploymentId

        ChannelDefinitionQuery deploymentId​(String deploymentId)
        Only select channel definitions that are deployed in a deployment with the given deployment id
      • deploymentIds

        ChannelDefinitionQuery deploymentIds​(Set<String> deploymentIds)
        Select channel definitions that are deployed in deployments with the given set of ids
      • parentDeploymentId

        ChannelDefinitionQuery parentDeploymentId​(String parentDeploymentId)
        Only select channel definitions that are deployed in a deployment with the given parent deployment id
      • channelDefinitionKey

        ChannelDefinitionQuery channelDefinitionKey​(String channelDefinitionKey)
        Only select channel definition with the given key.
      • channelDefinitionKeyLike

        ChannelDefinitionQuery channelDefinitionKeyLike​(String channelDefinitionKeyLike)
        Only select channel definitions where the key matches the given parameter. The syntax that should be used is the same as in SQL, eg. %test%
      • channelDefinitionKeyLikeIgnoreCase

        ChannelDefinitionQuery channelDefinitionKeyLikeIgnoreCase​(String keyLikeIgnoreCase)
        Only select channel definitions where the key matches the given parameter (case-insensitive). The syntax that should be used is the same as in SQL, eg. %test%
      • channelVersionGreaterThan

        ChannelDefinitionQuery channelVersionGreaterThan​(Integer channelVersion)
        Only select channel definitions which version are greater than a certain version.
      • channelVersionGreaterThanOrEquals

        ChannelDefinitionQuery channelVersionGreaterThanOrEquals​(Integer channelVersion)
        Only select channel definitions which version are greater than or equals a certain version.
      • channelVersionLowerThan

        ChannelDefinitionQuery channelVersionLowerThan​(Integer channelVersion)
        Only select channel definitions which version are lower than a certain version.
      • channelVersionLowerThanOrEquals

        ChannelDefinitionQuery channelVersionLowerThanOrEquals​(Integer channelVersion)
        Only select channel definitions which version are lower than or equals a certain version.
      • latestVersion

        ChannelDefinitionQuery latestVersion()
        Only select the channel definitions which are the latest deployed (ie. which have the highest version number for the given key). Can also be used without any other criteria (ie. query.latestVersion().list()), which will then give all the latest versions of all the deployed channel definitions.
        org.flowable.common.engine.api.FlowableIllegalArgumentException - if used in combination with {channelVersion(Integer) or deploymentId(String)
      • implementation

        ChannelDefinitionQuery implementation​(String implementation)
        Only select the channel definitions with the given implementation. e.g. jms, rabbit.
      • channelCreateTime

        ChannelDefinitionQuery channelCreateTime​(Date createTime)
        Only select channel definitions where the create time is equal to a certain date.
      • channelCreateTimeAfter

        ChannelDefinitionQuery channelCreateTimeAfter​(Date createTimeAfter)
        Only select channel definitions which create time is after a certain date.
      • channelCreateTimeBefore

        ChannelDefinitionQuery channelCreateTimeBefore​(Date createTimeBefore)
        Only select channel definitions which create time is before a certain date.
      • channelDefinitionResourceName

        ChannelDefinitionQuery channelDefinitionResourceName​(String resourceName)
        Only select channel definition with the given resource name.
      • channelDefinitionResourceNameLike

        ChannelDefinitionQuery channelDefinitionResourceNameLike​(String resourceNameLike)
        Only select channel definition with a resource name like the given .
      • tenantIdLike

        ChannelDefinitionQuery tenantIdLike​(String tenantIdLike)
        Only select channel definitions with a tenant id like the given one.
      • withoutTenantId

        ChannelDefinitionQuery withoutTenantId()
        Only select channel definitions that do not have a tenant id.
      • orderByChannelDefinitionCategory

        ChannelDefinitionQuery orderByChannelDefinitionCategory()
        Order by the category of the channel definitions (needs to be followed by Query.asc() or Query.desc()).
      • orderByChannelDefinitionKey

        ChannelDefinitionQuery orderByChannelDefinitionKey()
        Order by channel definition key (needs to be followed by Query.asc() or Query.desc()).
      • orderByChannelDefinitionId

        ChannelDefinitionQuery orderByChannelDefinitionId()
        Order by the id of the channel definitions (needs to be followed by Query.asc() or Query.desc()).
      • orderByChannelDefinitionName

        ChannelDefinitionQuery orderByChannelDefinitionName()
        Order by the name of the channel definitions (needs to be followed by Query.asc() or Query.desc()).
      • orderByDeploymentId

        ChannelDefinitionQuery orderByDeploymentId()
        Order by deployment id (needs to be followed by Query.asc() or Query.desc()).
      • orderByCreateTime

        ChannelDefinitionQuery orderByCreateTime()
        Order by create time (needs to be followed by Query.asc() or Query.desc()).
      • orderByTenantId

        ChannelDefinitionQuery orderByTenantId()
        Order by tenant id (needs to be followed by Query.asc() or Query.desc()).