Interface HistoricCaseInstanceQuery

All Superinterfaces:
org.flowable.common.engine.api.query.BatchDeleteQuery<HistoricCaseInstanceQuery>, org.flowable.common.engine.api.query.DeleteQuery<HistoricCaseInstanceQuery,HistoricCaseInstance>, org.flowable.common.engine.api.query.Query<HistoricCaseInstanceQuery,HistoricCaseInstance>

public interface HistoricCaseInstanceQuery extends org.flowable.common.engine.api.query.Query<HistoricCaseInstanceQuery,HistoricCaseInstance>, org.flowable.common.engine.api.query.DeleteQuery<HistoricCaseInstanceQuery,HistoricCaseInstance>, org.flowable.common.engine.api.query.BatchDeleteQuery<HistoricCaseInstanceQuery>
Joram Barrez, Tijs Rademakers
  • Method Details

    • caseInstanceId

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery caseInstanceId(String caseInstanceId)
      Only select historic case instances with the given identifier.
    • caseInstanceIds

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery caseInstanceIds(Set<String> caseInstanceIds)
      Only select historic case instances with one the given identifiers.
    • caseInstanceName

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery caseInstanceName(String caseInstanceName)
      Only select historic case instances with the given name.
    • caseInstanceNameLike

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery caseInstanceNameLike(String caseInstanceNameLike)
      Only select historic case instances like the given name.
    • caseInstanceNameLikeIgnoreCase

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery caseInstanceNameLikeIgnoreCase(String nameLikeIgnoreCase)
      Only select case instances that have a name like (case insensitive) the given name.
      nameLikeIgnoreCase - cannot be null. The string can include the wildcard character '%' to express like-strategy: starts with (string%), ends with (%string) or contains (%string%).
    • caseInstanceBusinessKey

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery caseInstanceBusinessKey(String caseInstanceBusinessKey)
      Only select historic case instances with the given business key.
    • caseInstanceBusinessKeyLike

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery caseInstanceBusinessKeyLike(String caseInstanceBusinessKeyLike)
      Only select historic case instances with a business key like the given value.
    • caseInstanceBusinessKeyLikeIgnoreCase

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery caseInstanceBusinessKeyLikeIgnoreCase(String caseInstanceBusinessKeyLikeIgnoreCase)
      Only select historic case instances with a business key like the given value, ignoring upper/lower case.
    • caseInstanceRootScopeId

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery caseInstanceRootScopeId(String rootScopeId)
      Only select historic case instances with the given case instance root scope id.
    • caseInstanceParentScopeId

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery caseInstanceParentScopeId(String parentScopeId)
      Only select historic case instances with the given case instance parent scope id.
    • caseInstanceBusinessStatus

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery caseInstanceBusinessStatus(String caseInstanceBusinessStatus)
      Only select historic case instances with the given business status.
    • caseInstanceBusinessStatusLike

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery caseInstanceBusinessStatusLike(String caseInstanceBusinessStatusLike)
      Only select historic case instances with a business status like the given value.
    • caseInstanceBusinessStatusLikeIgnoreCase

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery caseInstanceBusinessStatusLikeIgnoreCase(String caseInstanceBusinessStatusLikeIgnoreCase)
      Only select historic case instances with a business status like the given value, ignoring upper/lower case.
    • caseInstanceParentId

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery caseInstanceParentId(String parentId)
      Only select historic case instances with the parent identifier.
    • withoutCaseInstanceParent

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery withoutCaseInstanceParent()
      Only select historic case instances without a parent identifier.
    • caseDefinitionKey

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery caseDefinitionKey(String caseDefinitionKey)
      Only select historic case instances with the given key.
    • caseDefinitionKeyLike

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery caseDefinitionKeyLike(String caseDefinitionKeyLike)
      Only select historic case instances with a definition key like the given value.
    • caseDefinitionKeyLikeIgnoreCase

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery caseDefinitionKeyLikeIgnoreCase(String caseDefinitionKeyLikeIgnoreCase)
      Only select historic case instances with a definition key like the given value, ignoring upper/lower case.
    • caseDefinitionKeys

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery caseDefinitionKeys(Set<String> caseDefinitionKeys)
      Only select historic case instances with the given keys.
    • caseDefinitionId

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery caseDefinitionId(String caseDefinitionId)
      Only select historic case instances with the given case definition identifier.
    • caseDefinitionIds

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery caseDefinitionIds(Set<String> caseDefinitionIds)
      Only select historic case instances with the given case definition ids.
    • caseDefinitionCategory

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery caseDefinitionCategory(String caseDefinitionCategory)
      Only select historic case instances with the given case definition category.
    • caseDefinitionCategoryLike

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery caseDefinitionCategoryLike(String caseDefinitionCategoryLike)
      Only select historic case instances with a case definition category like the given value.
    • caseDefinitionCategoryLikeIgnoreCase

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery caseDefinitionCategoryLikeIgnoreCase(String caseDefinitionCategoryLikeIgnoreCase)
      Only select historic case instances with a case definition category like the given value, ignoring upper/lower case.
    • caseDefinitionName

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery caseDefinitionName(String caseDefinitionName)
      Only select historic case instances with the given case definition name.
    • caseDefinitionNameLike

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery caseDefinitionNameLike(String caseDefinitionNameLike)
      Only select historic case instances with a case definition name like the given value.
    • caseDefinitionNameLikeIgnoreCase

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery caseDefinitionNameLikeIgnoreCase(String caseDefinitionNameLikeIgnoreCase)
      Only select historic case instances with a case definition name like the given value, ignoring upper/lower case.
    • caseDefinitionVersion

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery caseDefinitionVersion(Integer caseDefinitionVersion)
      Only select historic case instances with the given case definition version.
    • includeCaseVariables

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery includeCaseVariables()
      Include historic case variables in the historic case query result
    • deploymentId

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery deploymentId(String deploymentId)
      Only select historic case instances that are defined by a case definition with the given deployment identifier.
    • deploymentIds

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery deploymentIds(List<String> deploymentIds)
      Only select historic case instances that are defined by a case definition with one of the given deployment identifiers.
    • finished

      Only select historic case instances that are finished.
    • unfinished

      Only select historic case instances that are not finished.
    • startedBefore

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery startedBefore(Date beforeTime)
      Only select historic case instances that are started before the provided date time.
    • startedAfter

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery startedAfter(Date afterTime)
      Only select historic case instances that are started after the provided date time.
    • finishedBefore

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery finishedBefore(Date beforeTime)
      Only select historic case instances that are finished before the provided date time.
    • finishedAfter

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery finishedAfter(Date afterTime)
      Only select historic case instances that are finished after the provided date time.
    • startedBy

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery startedBy(String userId)
      Only select historic case instances that are started by the provided user identifier.
    • state

      Only select historic case instances that have a state that is equal to the provided value.
    • lastReactivatedBefore

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery lastReactivatedBefore(Date beforeTime)
      Only select historic case instance that are reactivated before the provided date time.
    • lastReactivatedAfter

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery lastReactivatedAfter(Date afterTime)
      Only select historic case instance that are reactivated after the provided date time.
    • lastReactivatedBy

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery lastReactivatedBy(String userId)
      Only select historic case instances that are reactivated by the provided user identifier.
    • caseInstanceCallbackId

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery caseInstanceCallbackId(String callbackId)
      Only select historic case instances that have the provided callback identifier.
    • caseInstanceCallbackType

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery caseInstanceCallbackType(String callbackType)
      Only select historic case instances that have the provided callback type.
    • withoutCaseInstanceCallbackId

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery withoutCaseInstanceCallbackId()
      Only select historic case instances that do not have a callback identifier.
    • caseInstanceReferenceId

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery caseInstanceReferenceId(String referenceId)
      Only select historic case instance that have the provided reference identifier.
    • caseInstanceReferenceType

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery caseInstanceReferenceType(String referenceType)
      Only select historic case instance that have the provided reference type.
    • caseInstanceTenantId

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery caseInstanceTenantId(String tenantId)
      Only select historic case instances that have the tenant identifier.
    • caseInstanceTenantIdLike

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery caseInstanceTenantIdLike(String tenantIdLike)
      Only select historic case instances with a tenant identifier like the given value.
    • caseInstanceTenantIdLikeIgnoreCase

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery caseInstanceTenantIdLikeIgnoreCase(String tenantIdLikeIgnoreCase)
      Only select historic case instances with a tenant identifier like the given value, ignoring upper/lower case.
    • caseInstanceWithoutTenantId

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery caseInstanceWithoutTenantId()
      Only select historic case instances that have no tenant identifier.
    • or

      Begin an OR statement. Make sure you invoke the endOr method at the end of your OR statement. Only one OR statement is allowed, for the second call to this method an exception will be thrown.
    • endOr

      End an OR statement. Only one OR statement is allowed, for the second call to this method an exception will be thrown.
    • activePlanItemDefinitionId

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery activePlanItemDefinitionId(String planItemDefinitionId)
      Select the historic case instances with an active plan item definition id equal to the provided definition id.
    • activePlanItemDefinitionIds

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery activePlanItemDefinitionIds(Set<String> planItemDefinitionIds)
      Select the historic case instances with an active plan item definition id equal to one of the provided definition ids.
    • involvedUser

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery involvedUser(String userId)
      Select the historic case instances with which the user with the given id is involved.
    • involvedUser

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery involvedUser(String userId, String identityLinkType)
      Select the historic case instances with which the user with the given id and identity link type are involved.
    • involvedGroup

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery involvedGroup(String groupId, String identityLinkType)
      Select the historic case instances with which the group with the given id and identity link type are involved.
    • involvedGroups

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery involvedGroups(Set<String> groupIds)
      Select the historic case instances with which the groups with the given ids are involved.
    • variableValueEquals

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery variableValueEquals(String name, Object value)
      Only select case instances which had a global variable with the given value when they ended. Byte-arrays and Serializable objects (which are not primitive type wrappers) are not supported.
      name - of the variable, cannot be null.
    • variableValueEquals

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery variableValueEquals(Object value)
      Only select case instances which had at least one global variable with the given value when they ended. Byte-arrays and Serializable objects (which are not primitive type wrappers) are not supported.
    • variableValueEqualsIgnoreCase

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery variableValueEqualsIgnoreCase(String name, String value)
      Only select historic case instances which have a string variable with the given value, case insensitive.
      name - name of the variable, cannot be null.
      value - value of the variable, cannot be null.
    • variableValueNotEquals

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery variableValueNotEquals(String name, Object value)
      Only select case instances which had a global variable with the given name, but with a different value than the passed value when they ended. Byte-arrays and Serializable objects (which are not primitive type wrappers) are not supported.
      name - of the variable, cannot be null.
    • variableValueGreaterThan

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery variableValueGreaterThan(String name, Object value)
      Only select case instances which had a global variable value greater than the passed value when they ended. Booleans, Byte-arrays and Serializable objects (which are not primitive type wrappers) are not supported.
      name - cannot be null.
      value - cannot be null.
    • variableValueGreaterThanOrEqual

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery variableValueGreaterThanOrEqual(String name, Object value)
      Only select case instances which had a global variable value greater than or equal to the passed value when they ended. Booleans, Byte-arrays and Serializable objects (which are not primitive type wrappers) are not supported.
      name - cannot be null.
      value - cannot be null.
    • variableValueLessThan

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery variableValueLessThan(String name, Object value)
      Only select case instances which had a global variable value less than the passed value when the ended. Booleans, Byte-arrays and Serializable objects (which are not primitive type wrappers) are not supported.
      name - cannot be null.
      value - cannot be null.
    • variableValueLessThanOrEqual

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery variableValueLessThanOrEqual(String name, Object value)
      Only select case instances which has a global variable value less than or equal to the passed value when they ended. Booleans, Byte-arrays and Serializable objects (which are not primitive type wrappers) are not supported.
      name - cannot be null.
      value - cannot be null.
    • variableValueLike

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery variableValueLike(String name, String value)
      Only select case instances which had global variable value like the given value when they ended. This can be used on string variables only.
      name - cannot be null.
      value - cannot be null. The string can include the wildcard character '%' to express like-strategy: starts with (string%), ends with (%string) or contains (%string%).
    • variableValueLikeIgnoreCase

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery variableValueLikeIgnoreCase(String name, String value)
      Only select case instances which had global variable value like (case insensitive) the given value when they ended. This can be used on string variables only.
      name - cannot be null.
      value - cannot be null. The string can include the wildcard character '%' to express like-strategy: starts with (string%), ends with (%string) or contains (%string%).
    • variableExists

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery variableExists(String name)
      Only select case instances which have a variable with the given name.
      name - cannot be null.
    • variableNotExists

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery variableNotExists(String name)
      Only select case instances which does not have a variable with the given name.
      name - cannot be null.
    • locale

      Localize case name to specified locale.
    • withLocalizationFallback

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery withLocalizationFallback()
      Instruct localization to fallback to more general locales including the default locale of the JVM if the specified locale is not found.
    • orderByCaseInstanceId

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery orderByCaseInstanceId()
    • orderByCaseInstanceName

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery orderByCaseInstanceName()
    • orderByCaseDefinitionKey

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery orderByCaseDefinitionKey()
    • orderByCaseDefinitionId

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery orderByCaseDefinitionId()
    • orderByStartTime

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery orderByStartTime()
    • orderByEndTime

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery orderByEndTime()
    • orderByTenantId

      HistoricCaseInstanceQuery orderByTenantId()