Interface IdentityService

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IdentityService
Service to manage Users and Groups.
Tom Baeyens
  • Method Details

    • newUser

      org.flowable.idm.api.User newUser(String userId)
      Creates a new user. The user is transient and must be saved using saveUser(User).
      userId - id for the new user, cannot be null.
    • saveUser

      void saveUser(org.flowable.idm.api.User user)
      Saves the user. If the user already existed, the user is updated except user password. Use updateUserPassword(User) to update existing user password.
      user - user to save, cannot be null.
      RuntimeException - when a user with the same name already exists.
      See Also:
    • updateUserPassword

      void updateUserPassword(org.flowable.idm.api.User user)
      Update user password. Use saveUser(User) for new user.
      user - user password to change, cannot be null.
      See Also:
    • createUserQuery

      org.flowable.idm.api.UserQuery createUserQuery()
      Creates a UserQuery that allows to programmatically query the users.
    • createNativeUserQuery

      org.flowable.idm.api.NativeUserQuery createNativeUserQuery()
      Returns a new NativeQuery for tasks.
    • deleteUser

      void deleteUser(String userId)
      userId - id of user to delete, cannot be null. When an id is passed for a non-existent user, this operation is ignored.
    • newGroup

      org.flowable.idm.api.Group newGroup(String groupId)
      Creates a new group. The group is transient and must be saved using saveGroup(Group).
      groupId - id for the new group, cannot be null.
    • createGroupQuery

      org.flowable.idm.api.GroupQuery createGroupQuery()
      Creates a GroupQuery that allows to programmatically query the groups.
    • createNativeGroupQuery

      org.flowable.idm.api.NativeGroupQuery createNativeGroupQuery()
      Returns a new NativeQuery for tasks.
    • getPotentialStarterGroups

      List<org.flowable.idm.api.Group> getPotentialStarterGroups(String processDefinitionId)
      Returns the potential starter groups for a given process definition.
      processDefinitionId - process definition identifier
      list of potential starter groups
    • getPotentialStarterUsers

      List<org.flowable.idm.api.User> getPotentialStarterUsers(String processDefinitionId)
      Returns the potential starter users for a given process definition.
      processDefinitionId - process definition identifier
      list of potential starter users
    • saveGroup

      void saveGroup(org.flowable.idm.api.Group group)
      Saves the group. If the group already existed, the group is updated.
      group - group to save. Cannot be null.
      RuntimeException - when a group with the same name already exists.
    • deleteGroup

      void deleteGroup(String groupId)
      Deletes the group. When no group exists with the given id, this operation is ignored.
      groupId - id of the group that should be deleted, cannot be null.
    • createMembership

      void createMembership(String userId, String groupId)
      userId - the userId, cannot be null.
      groupId - the groupId, cannot be null.
      RuntimeException - when the given user or group doesn't exist or when the user is already member of the group.
    • deleteMembership

      void deleteMembership(String userId, String groupId)
      Delete the membership of the user in the group. When the group or user don't exist or when the user is not a member of the group, this operation is ignored.
      userId - the user's id, cannot be null.
      groupId - the group's id, cannot be null.
    • checkPassword

      boolean checkPassword(String userId, String password)
      Checks if the password is valid for the given user. Arguments userId and password are nullsafe.
    • setAuthenticatedUserId

      void setAuthenticatedUserId(String authenticatedUserId)
      Passes the authenticated user id for this particular thread. All service method (from any service) invocations done by the same thread will have access to this authenticatedUserId.
    • setUserPicture

      void setUserPicture(String userId, org.flowable.idm.api.Picture picture)
      Sets the picture for a given user.
      userId -
      picture - can be null to delete the picture.
      org.flowable.common.engine.api.FlowableObjectNotFoundException - if the user doesn't exist.
    • getUserPicture

      org.flowable.idm.api.Picture getUserPicture(String userId)
      Retrieves the picture for a given user.
      null if the user doesn't have a picture.
      org.flowable.common.engine.api.FlowableObjectNotFoundException - if the user doesn't exist.
    • setUserInfo

      void setUserInfo(String userId, String key, String value)
      Generic extensibility key-value pairs associated with a user
    • getUserInfo

      String getUserInfo(String userId, String key)
      Generic extensibility key-value pairs associated with a user
    • getUserInfoKeys

      List<String> getUserInfoKeys(String userId)
      Generic extensibility keys associated with a user
    • deleteUserInfo

      void deleteUserInfo(String userId, String key)
      Delete an entry of the generic extensibility key-value pairs associated with a user