Interface CmmnRuntimeService

public interface CmmnRuntimeService
Joram Barrez
  • Method Details

    • createCaseInstanceBuilder

      CaseInstanceBuilder createCaseInstanceBuilder()
    • createPlanItemInstanceTransitionBuilder

      PlanItemInstanceTransitionBuilder createPlanItemInstanceTransitionBuilder(String planItemInstanceId)
    • triggerPlanItemInstance

      void triggerPlanItemInstance(String planItemInstanceId)
    • enablePlanItemInstance

      void enablePlanItemInstance(String planItemInstanceId)
    • startPlanItemInstance

      void startPlanItemInstance(String planItemInstanceId)
    • disablePlanItemInstance

      void disablePlanItemInstance(String planItemInstanceId)
    • completeStagePlanItemInstance

      void completeStagePlanItemInstance(String planItemInstanceId)
    • completeStagePlanItemInstance

      void completeStagePlanItemInstance(String planItemInstanceId, boolean force)
    • completeCaseInstance

      void completeCaseInstance(String caseInstanceId)
    • terminateCaseInstance

      void terminateCaseInstance(String caseInstanceId)
    • bulkTerminateCaseInstances

      void bulkTerminateCaseInstances(Collection<String> caseInstanceId)
    • terminatePlanItemInstance

      void terminatePlanItemInstance(String planItemInstanceId)
    • deleteCaseInstance

      void deleteCaseInstance(String caseInstanceId)
    • bulkDeleteCaseInstances

      void bulkDeleteCaseInstances(Collection<String> caseInstanceId)
    • evaluateCriteria

      void evaluateCriteria(String caseInstanceId)
    • completeGenericEventListenerInstance

      void completeGenericEventListenerInstance(String genericEventListenerInstanceId)
    • completeUserEventListenerInstance

      void completeUserEventListenerInstance(String userEventListenerInstanceId)
    • getVariables

      Map<String,Object> getVariables(String caseInstanceId)
      All variables visible from the given case instance scope.
      caseInstanceId - id of case instance, cannot be null.
      the variables or an empty map if no such variables are found.
      org.flowable.common.engine.api.FlowableObjectNotFoundException - when no case instance is found for the given caseInstanceId.
    • getVariables

      Map<String,Object> getVariables(String caseInstanceId, Collection<String> variableNames)
      The variable values for all given variableNames.
      caseInstanceId - id of execution, cannot be null.
      variableNames - the collection of variable names that should be retrieved.
      the variables or an empty map if no such variables are found.
      org.flowable.common.engine.api.FlowableObjectNotFoundException - when no case instance is found for the given caseInstanceId.
    • getVariableInstances

      Map<String,org.flowable.variable.api.persistence.entity.VariableInstance> getVariableInstances(String caseInstanceId)
      All variables visible from the given case instance scope.
      caseInstanceId - id of case instance, cannot be null.
      the variable instances or an empty map if no such variables are found.
      org.flowable.common.engine.api.FlowableObjectNotFoundException - when no case instance is found for the given caseInstanceId.
    • getLocalVariables

      Map<String,Object> getLocalVariables(String planItemInstanceId)
      All variable values that are defined in the plan item instance scope, without taking outer scopes into account.
      planItemInstanceId - id of plan item instance, cannot be null.
      the variables or an empty map if no such variables are found.
      org.flowable.common.engine.api.FlowableObjectNotFoundException - when no plan item instance is found for the given planItemInstanceId.
    • getLocalVariables

      Map<String,Object> getLocalVariables(String planItemInstanceId, Collection<String> variableNames)
      All variable values for all given variableNames that are defined in the plan item instance scope, without taking outer scopes into account.
      planItemInstanceId - id of plan item instance, cannot be null.
      variableNames - the collection of variable names that should be retrieved.
      the variables or an empty map if no such variables are found.
      org.flowable.common.engine.api.FlowableObjectNotFoundException - when no plan item instance is found for the given planItemInstanceId.
    • getLocalVariableInstances

      Map<String,org.flowable.variable.api.persistence.entity.VariableInstance> getLocalVariableInstances(String planItemInstanceId)
      All variable values that are defined in the plan item instance scope, without taking outer scopes into account.
      planItemInstanceId - id of plan item instance, cannot be null.
      the variables or an empty map if no such variables are found.
      org.flowable.common.engine.api.FlowableObjectNotFoundException - when no plan item instance is found for the given planItemInstanceId.
    • getVariable

      Object getVariable(String caseInstanceId, String variableName)
      The variable value. Returns null when no variable value is found with the given name or when the value is set to null.
      caseInstanceId - id of case instance, cannot be null.
      variableName - name of variable, cannot be null.
      the variable value or null if the variable is undefined or the value of the variable is null.
      org.flowable.common.engine.api.FlowableObjectNotFoundException - when no case instance is found for the given caseInstanceId.
    • getVariableInstance

      org.flowable.variable.api.persistence.entity.VariableInstance getVariableInstance(String caseInstanceId, String variableName)
      The variable. Returns null when no variable value is found with the given name or when the value is set to null.
      caseInstanceId - id of case instance, cannot be null.
      variableName - name of variable, cannot be null.
      the variable or null if the variable is undefined.
      org.flowable.common.engine.api.FlowableObjectNotFoundException - when no case instance is found for the given caseInstanceId.
    • getLocalVariable

      Object getLocalVariable(String planItemInstanceId, String variableName)
      The local variable value. Returns null when no variable value is found with the given name or when the value is set to null.
      planItemInstanceId - id of plan item instance, cannot be null.
      variableName - name of variable, cannot be null.
      the variable value or null if the variable is undefined or the value of the variable is null.
      org.flowable.common.engine.api.FlowableObjectNotFoundException - when no plan item instance is found for the given planItemInstanceId.
    • getLocalVariableInstance

      org.flowable.variable.api.persistence.entity.VariableInstance getLocalVariableInstance(String planItemInstanceId, String variableName)
      The local variable. Returns null when no variable value is found with the given name or when the value is set to null.
      planItemInstanceId - id of plan item instance, cannot be null.
      variableName - name of variable, cannot be null.
      the variable or null if the variable is undefined.
      org.flowable.common.engine.api.FlowableObjectNotFoundException - when no plan item instance is found for the given planItemInstanceId.
    • hasVariable

      boolean hasVariable(String caseInstanceId, String variableName)
      Check whether or not this case instance has variable set with the given name, Searching for the variable is done in all scopes that are visible to the given case instance.
    • hasLocalVariable

      boolean hasLocalVariable(String planItemInstanceId, String variableName)
      Check whether or not this plan item instance has local variable set with the given name.
    • setVariables

      void setVariables(String caseInstanceId, Map<String,Object> variables)
    • setVariable

      void setVariable(String caseInstanceId, String variableName, Object variableValue)
    • setLocalVariables

      void setLocalVariables(String planItemInstanceId, Map<String,Object> variables)
    • setLocalVariable

      void setLocalVariable(String planItemInstanceId, String variableName, Object variableValue)
    • removeVariable

      void removeVariable(String caseInstanceId, String variableName)
    • removeVariables

      void removeVariables(String caseInstanceId, Collection<String> variableNames)
    • removeLocalVariable

      void removeLocalVariable(String planItemInstanceId, String variableName)
    • removeLocalVariables

      void removeLocalVariables(String planItemInstanceId, Collection<String> variableNames)
    • createVariableInstanceQuery

      VariableInstanceQuery createVariableInstanceQuery()
    • setCaseInstanceName

      void setCaseInstanceName(String caseInstanceId, String caseName)
      Set or change the name of the case instance.
      caseInstanceId - the id of the case to set the name
      caseName - the name to be set on the case
    • createCaseInstanceQuery

      CaseInstanceQuery createCaseInstanceQuery()
    • createPlanItemInstanceQuery

      PlanItemInstanceQuery createPlanItemInstanceQuery()
    • createMilestoneInstanceQuery

      MilestoneInstanceQuery createMilestoneInstanceQuery()
    • createGenericEventListenerInstanceQuery

      GenericEventListenerInstanceQuery createGenericEventListenerInstanceQuery()
    • createSignalEventListenerInstanceQuery

      SignalEventListenerInstanceQuery createSignalEventListenerInstanceQuery()
    • createUserEventListenerInstanceQuery

      UserEventListenerInstanceQuery createUserEventListenerInstanceQuery()
    • createEventSubscriptionQuery

      org.flowable.eventsubscription.api.EventSubscriptionQuery createEventSubscriptionQuery()
      Creates a new EventSubscriptionQuery instance, that can be used to query the event subscriptions.
    • getStageOverview

      List<StageResponse> getStageOverview(String caseInstanceId)
      Gives back a stage overview of the case instance which includes the stage information of the case model.
      caseInstanceId - id of the case instance, cannot be null.
      list of stage info objects
      org.flowable.common.engine.api.FlowableObjectNotFoundException - when the case instance doesn't exist.
    • setOwner

      void setOwner(String caseInstanceId, String userId)
      Set the new owner of a case instance.
      caseInstanceId - the id of the case to set its new owner
      userId - the id of the user to set as the new owner
    • removeOwner

      void removeOwner(String caseInstanceId)
      Removes the owner of a case instance.
      caseInstanceId - the id of the case to remove the owner from
    • setAssignee

      void setAssignee(String caseInstanceId, String userId)
      Set the new assignee of a case instance.
      caseInstanceId - the id of the case to set its new assignee
      userId - the id of the user to set as the new assignee
    • removeAssignee

      void removeAssignee(String caseInstanceId)
      Removes the assignee of a case instance.
      caseInstanceId - the id of the case to remove the assignee from
    • addUserIdentityLink

      void addUserIdentityLink(String caseInstanceId, String userId, String identityLinkType)
      Involves a user with a case instance. The type of identity link is defined by the given identityLinkType.
      caseInstanceId - id of the case instance, cannot be null.
      userId - id of the user involve, cannot be null.
      identityLinkType - type of identityLink, cannot be null.
      org.flowable.common.engine.api.FlowableObjectNotFoundException - when the case instance doesn't exist.
    • addGroupIdentityLink

      void addGroupIdentityLink(String caseInstanceId, String groupId, String identityLinkType)
      Involves a group with a case instance. The type of identityLink is defined by the given identityLink.
      caseInstanceId - id of the case instance, cannot be null.
      groupId - id of the group to involve, cannot be null.
      identityLinkType - type of identity, cannot be null.
      org.flowable.common.engine.api.FlowableObjectNotFoundException - when the case instance or group doesn't exist.
    • deleteUserIdentityLink

      void deleteUserIdentityLink(String caseInstanceId, String userId, String identityLinkType)
      Removes the association between a user and a case instance for the given identityLinkType.
      caseInstanceId - id of the case instance, cannot be null.
      userId - id of the user involve, cannot be null.
      identityLinkType - type of identityLink, cannot be null.
      org.flowable.common.engine.api.FlowableObjectNotFoundException - when the task or user doesn't exist.
    • deleteGroupIdentityLink

      void deleteGroupIdentityLink(String caseInstanceId, String groupId, String identityLinkType)
      Removes the association between a group and a case instance for the given identityLinkType.
      caseInstanceId - id of the case instance, cannot be null.
      groupId - id of the group to involve, cannot be null.
      identityLinkType - type of identity, cannot be null.
      org.flowable.common.engine.api.FlowableObjectNotFoundException - when the task or group doesn't exist.
    • getIdentityLinksForCaseInstance

      List<org.flowable.identitylink.api.IdentityLink> getIdentityLinksForCaseInstance(String instanceId)
      Retrieves the IdentityLinks associated with the given case instance. Such an identity link informs how a certain user is involved with a case instance.
    • getIdentityLinksForPlanItemInstance

      List<org.flowable.identitylink.api.IdentityLink> getIdentityLinksForPlanItemInstance(String instanceId)
      Retrieves the IdentityLinks associated with the given plan item instance. Such an identity link informs how a certain user is involved with a plan item instance.
    • getEntityLinkChildrenForCaseInstance

      List<org.flowable.entitylink.api.EntityLink> getEntityLinkChildrenForCaseInstance(String instanceId)
      Retrieves the EntityLinks associated with the given case instance.
    • getEntityLinkChildrenWithSameRootAsCaseInstance

      List<org.flowable.entitylink.api.EntityLink> getEntityLinkChildrenWithSameRootAsCaseInstance(String instanceId)
      Retrieves all the EntityLinks associated with the same root as the given case instance.
    • getEntityLinkParentsForCaseInstance

      List<org.flowable.entitylink.api.EntityLink> getEntityLinkParentsForCaseInstance(String instanceId)
      Retrieves the EntityLinks where the given case instance is referenced.
    • getStartFormModel

      org.flowable.form.api.FormInfo getStartFormModel(String caseDefinitionId, String caseInstanceId)
      Gets a Form model instance of the start form of a specific case definition or case instance
      caseDefinitionId - id of case definition for which the start form should be retrieved.
      caseInstanceId - id of case instance for which the start form should be retrieved.
    • createChangePlanItemStateBuilder

      ChangePlanItemStateBuilder createChangePlanItemStateBuilder()
      Create a ChangePlanItemStateBuilder, that allows to set various options for changing the state of a case instance.
    • updateBusinessKey

      void updateBusinessKey(String caseInstanceId, String businessKey)
      Updates the business key for the provided case instance
      caseInstanceId - id of the case instance to set the business key, cannot be null
      businessKey - new businessKey value
    • updateBusinessStatus

      void updateBusinessStatus(String caseInstanceId, String businessStatus)
      Updates the business status for the provided case instance
      caseInstanceId - id of the case instance to set the business status, cannot be null
      businessStatus - new business status value
    • addEventListener

      void addEventListener(org.flowable.common.engine.api.delegate.event.FlowableEventListener listenerToAdd)
      Adds an event-listener which will be notified of ALL events by the dispatcher.
      listenerToAdd - the listener to add
    • addEventListener

      void addEventListener(org.flowable.common.engine.api.delegate.event.FlowableEventListener listenerToAdd, org.flowable.common.engine.api.delegate.event.FlowableEngineEventType... types)
      Adds an event-listener which will only be notified when an event occurs, which type is in the given types.
      listenerToAdd - the listener to add
      types - types of events the listener should be notified for
    • removeEventListener

      void removeEventListener(org.flowable.common.engine.api.delegate.event.FlowableEventListener listenerToRemove)
      Removes the given listener from this dispatcher. The listener will no longer be notified, regardless of the type(s) it was registered for in the first place.
      listenerToRemove - listener to remove
    • dispatchEvent

      void dispatchEvent(org.flowable.common.engine.api.delegate.event.FlowableEvent event)
      Dispatches the given event to any listeners that are registered.
      event - event to dispatch.
      org.flowable.common.engine.api.FlowableException - if an exception occurs when dispatching the event or when the FlowableEventDispatcher is disabled.
      org.flowable.common.engine.api.FlowableIllegalArgumentException - when the given event is not suitable for dispatching.
    • createCaseInstanceStartEventSubscriptionBuilder

      CaseInstanceStartEventSubscriptionBuilder createCaseInstanceStartEventSubscriptionBuilder()
      Creates a new event subscription builder to register a subscription to start a new case instance based on an event with a particular set of correlation parameter values. In order for this to work, the case definition needs to have an event-registry based start event with a dynamic, manual subscription based behavior and the registered correlation parameter values within the builder need to be based on actual correlation parameter definitions within the event model the start event is based on. Register one or more correlation parameter value with in the builder before invoking the CaseInstanceStartEventSubscriptionBuilder.subscribe() method to create and register the subscription.
      the subscription builder
    • createCaseInstanceStartEventSubscriptionModificationBuilder

      CaseInstanceStartEventSubscriptionModificationBuilder createCaseInstanceStartEventSubscriptionModificationBuilder()
      Creates a new event subscription modification builder to modify one or more previously registered case start event subscriptions based on a particular case definition and with an optional combination of correlation parameter values.
      the subscription modification builder
    • createCaseInstanceStartEventSubscriptionDeletionBuilder

      CaseInstanceStartEventSubscriptionDeletionBuilder createCaseInstanceStartEventSubscriptionDeletionBuilder()
      Creates a new event subscription deletion builder to delete one or more previously registered case start event subscriptions based on a particular case definition and with an optional combination of correlation parameter values.
      the subscription deletion builder