Interface CmmnManagementService

public interface CmmnManagementService
Joram Barrez
  • Method Details

    • getTableCounts

      Map<String,Long> getTableCounts()
      Returns a map containing {tableName, rowCount} values.
    • getTableNames

      Collection<String> getTableNames()
      Returns all relational database tables of the engine.
    • createJobQuery

      org.flowable.job.api.JobQuery createJobQuery()
      Returns a new JobQuery implementation, that can be used to query the jobs.
    • createExternalWorkerJobQuery

      org.flowable.job.api.ExternalWorkerJobQuery createExternalWorkerJobQuery()
      Returns a new ExternalWorkerJobQuery implementation, that can be used to dynamically query the external worker jobs.
    • createTimerJobQuery

      org.flowable.job.api.TimerJobQuery createTimerJobQuery()
      Returns a new TimerJobQuery implementation, that can be used to query the timer jobs.
    • createSuspendedJobQuery

      org.flowable.job.api.SuspendedJobQuery createSuspendedJobQuery()
      Returns a new SuspendedJobQuery implementation, that can be used to query the suspended jobs.
    • createDeadLetterJobQuery

      org.flowable.job.api.DeadLetterJobQuery createDeadLetterJobQuery()
      Returns a new DeadLetterJobQuery implementation, that can be used to query the dead letter jobs.
    • executeJob

      void executeJob(String jobId)
      Forced synchronous execution of a job (eg. for administration or testing). The job will be executed, even if the case instance is suspended.
      jobId - id of the job to execute, cannot be null.
      org.flowable.common.engine.api.FlowableObjectNotFoundException - when there is no job with the given id.
    • moveTimerToExecutableJob

      org.flowable.job.api.Job moveTimerToExecutableJob(String jobId)
      Moves a timer job to the executable job table (eg. for administration or testing). The timer job will be moved, even if the case instance is suspended.
      jobId - id of the timer job to move, cannot be null.
      org.flowable.common.engine.api.FlowableObjectNotFoundException - when there is no job with the given id.
    • moveJobToDeadLetterJob

      org.flowable.job.api.Job moveJobToDeadLetterJob(String jobId)
      Moves a job to the dead letter job table (eg. for administration or testing). The job will be moved, even if the case instance is suspended or there are retries left.
      jobId - id of the job to move, cannot be null.
      org.flowable.common.engine.api.FlowableObjectNotFoundException - when there is no job with the given id.
    • bulkMoveDeadLetterJobs

      void bulkMoveDeadLetterJobs(Collection<String> jobIds, int retries)
      Moves a bulk of jobs that are in the dead letter job table back to the executable job table, and resets the retries (as the retries was 0 when it was put into the dead letter job table).
      jobIds - ids of the jobs to move, cannot be null.
      retries - the number of retries (value greater than 0) which will be set on the jobs.
      org.flowable.common.engine.api.FlowableObjectNotFoundException - when there is no job with any of the given ids.
    • bulkMoveDeadLetterJobsToHistoryJobs

      void bulkMoveDeadLetterJobsToHistoryJobs(Collection<String> jobIds, int retries)
      Moves a bulk of jobs that are in the dead letter job table back to be history jobs, and resets the retries (as the retries was 0 when it was put into the dead letter job table).
      jobIds - ids of the jobs to move, cannot be null.
      retries - the number of retries (value greater than 0) which will be set on the jobs.
      org.flowable.common.engine.api.FlowableObjectNotFoundException - when one job with of the given ids is not found.
    • moveDeadLetterJobToExecutableJob

      org.flowable.job.api.Job moveDeadLetterJobToExecutableJob(String jobId, int retries)
      Moves a job that is in the dead letter job table back to be an executable job, and resetting the retries (as the retries were probably 0 when it was put into the dead letter job table).
      jobId - id of the job to move, cannot be null.
      retries - the number of retries (value greater than 0) which will be set on the job.
      org.flowable.common.engine.api.FlowableObjectNotFoundException - when there is no job with the given id.
    • moveDeadLetterJobToHistoryJob

      org.flowable.job.api.HistoryJob moveDeadLetterJobToHistoryJob(String jobId, int retries)
      Moves a job that is in the dead letter job table back to be a history job, and resetting the retries (as the retries was 0 when it was put into the dead letter job table).
      jobId - id of the job to move, cannot be null.
      retries - the number of retries (value greater than 0) which will be set on the job.
      org.flowable.common.engine.api.FlowableObjectNotFoundException - when there is no job with the given id.
      org.flowable.common.engine.api.FlowableIllegalArgumentException - when the job cannot be moved to be a history job (e.g. because it's not history job)
    • moveSuspendedJobToExecutableJob

      org.flowable.job.api.Job moveSuspendedJobToExecutableJob(String jobId)
      Moves a suspended job from the suspended letter job table back to be an executable job. The retries are untouched.
      jobId - id of the job to move, cannot be null.
      org.flowable.common.engine.api.FlowableObjectNotFoundException - when there is no job with the given id.
    • deleteJob

      void deleteJob(String jobId)
      Delete the job with the provided id.
      jobId - id of the job to delete, cannot be null.
      org.flowable.common.engine.api.FlowableObjectNotFoundException - when there is no job with the given id.
    • deleteTimerJob

      void deleteTimerJob(String jobId)
      Delete the timer job with the provided id.
      jobId - id of the timer job to delete, cannot be null.
      org.flowable.common.engine.api.FlowableObjectNotFoundException - when there is no job with the given id.
    • deleteSuspendedJob

      void deleteSuspendedJob(String jobId)
      Delete the suspended job with the provided id.
      jobId - id of the suspended job to delete, cannot be null.
      org.flowable.common.engine.api.FlowableObjectNotFoundException - when there is no job with the given id.
    • deleteDeadLetterJob

      void deleteDeadLetterJob(String jobId)
      Delete the dead letter job with the provided id.
      jobId - id of the dead letter job to delete, cannot be null.
      org.flowable.common.engine.api.FlowableObjectNotFoundException - when there is no job with the given id.
    • setJobRetries

      void setJobRetries(String jobId, int retries)
      Sets the number of retries that a job has left. Whenever the JobExecutor fails to execute a job, this value is decremented. When it hits zero, the job is supposed to be dead and not retried again. In that case, this method can be used to increase the number of retries.
      jobId - id of the job to modify, cannot be null.
      retries - number of retries.
    • setTimerJobRetries

      void setTimerJobRetries(String jobId, int retries)
      Sets the number of retries that a timer job has left. Whenever the JobExecutor fails to execute a timer job, this value is decremented. When it hits zero, the job is supposed to be dead and not retried again. In that case, this method can be used to increase the number of retries.
      jobId - id of the timer job to modify, cannot be null.
      retries - number of retries.
    • rescheduleTimeDateJob

      org.flowable.job.api.Job rescheduleTimeDateJob(String jobId, Date timeDate)
      Reschedule a timer job with a new date value.
      jobId - id of the timer job to reschedule, cannot be null.
      timeDate - A fixed date
    • rescheduleTimeDateValueJob

      org.flowable.job.api.Job rescheduleTimeDateValueJob(String jobId, String timeDateValue)
      Reschedule a timer job with a time date value.
      jobId - id of the timer job to reschedule, cannot be null.
      timeDateValue - A fixed date in ISO 8601 format, when job will be fired
    • rescheduleTimerEventListenerInstanceWithDate

      org.flowable.job.api.Job rescheduleTimerEventListenerInstanceWithDate(String eventListenerInstanceId, Date timeDate)
      Reschedule a timer event listener instance with a new date value.
      eventListenerInstanceId - id of the timer event listener instance to reschedule, cannot be null.
      timeDate - A fixed date
    • rescheduleTimerEventListenerInstanceWithDateValue

      org.flowable.job.api.Job rescheduleTimerEventListenerInstanceWithDateValue(String eventListenerInstanceId, String timeDateValue)
      Reschedule a timer event listener instance with a time date value.
      eventListenerInstanceId - id of the timer event listener instance to reschedule, cannot be null.
      timeDateValue - A fixed date in ISO 8601 format, when job will be fired
    • getJobExceptionStacktrace

      String getJobExceptionStacktrace(String jobId)
      Returns the full stacktrace of the exception that occurs when the job with the given id was last executed. Returns null when the job has no exception stacktrace.
      jobId - id of the job, cannot be null.
      org.flowable.common.engine.api.FlowableObjectNotFoundException - when no job exists with the given id.
    • getTimerJobExceptionStacktrace

      String getTimerJobExceptionStacktrace(String jobId)
      Returns the full stacktrace of the exception that occurs when the timer job with the given id was last executed. Returns null when the job has no exception stacktrace.
      jobId - id of the job, cannot be null.
      org.flowable.common.engine.api.FlowableObjectNotFoundException - when no job exists with the given id.
    • getSuspendedJobExceptionStacktrace

      String getSuspendedJobExceptionStacktrace(String jobId)
      Returns the full stacktrace of the exception that occurs when the suspended with the given id was last executed. Returns null when the job has no exception stacktrace.
      jobId - id of the job, cannot be null.
      org.flowable.common.engine.api.FlowableObjectNotFoundException - when no job exists with the given id.
    • getDeadLetterJobExceptionStacktrace

      String getDeadLetterJobExceptionStacktrace(String jobId)
      Returns the full stacktrace of the exception that occurs when the deadletter job with the given id was last executed. Returns null when the job has no exception stacktrace.
      jobId - id of the job, cannot be null.
      org.flowable.common.engine.api.FlowableObjectNotFoundException - when no job exists with the given id.
    • getExternalWorkerJobErrorDetails

      String getExternalWorkerJobErrorDetails(String jobId)
      Returns the full error details that were passed to the External worker Job when the job was last failed. Returns null when the job has no error details.
      jobId - id of the job, cannot be null.
      org.flowable.common.engine.api.FlowableObjectNotFoundException - when no job exists with the given id.
    • handleHistoryCleanupTimerJob

      void handleHistoryCleanupTimerJob()
    • createBatchQuery

      org.flowable.batch.api.BatchQuery createBatchQuery()
      Returns a new BatchQuery implementation, that can be used to dynamically query the batches.
    • createBatchBuilder

      org.flowable.batch.api.BatchBuilder createBatchBuilder()
    • createBatchPartQuery

      org.flowable.batch.api.BatchPartQuery createBatchPartQuery()
      Returns a new BatchPartQuery implementation, that can be used to dynamically query the batch parts.
    • createBatchPartBuilder

      org.flowable.batch.api.BatchPartBuilder createBatchPartBuilder(org.flowable.batch.api.Batch batch)
    • deleteBatch

      void deleteBatch(String batchId)
    • createHistoryJobQuery

      org.flowable.job.api.HistoryJobQuery createHistoryJobQuery()
      Returns a new HistoryJobQuery implementation, that can be used to dynamically query the history jobs.
    • executeHistoryJob

      void executeHistoryJob(String historyJobId)
      Forced synchronous execution of a historyJob (eg. for administration or testing).
      historyJobId - id of the historyjob to execute, cannot be null.
      org.flowable.common.engine.api.FlowableObjectNotFoundException - when there is no historyJob with the given id.
    • getHistoryJobHistoryJson

      String getHistoryJobHistoryJson(String historyJobId)
      Get the advanced configuration (storing the history json data) of a HistoryJob.
      historyJobId - id of the history job to execute, cannot be null.
      org.flowable.common.engine.api.FlowableObjectNotFoundException - when there is no historyJob with the given id.
    • deleteHistoryJob

      void deleteHistoryJob(String jobId)
      Delete the history job with the provided id.
      jobId - id of the history job to delete, cannot be null.
      org.flowable.common.engine.api.FlowableObjectNotFoundException - when there is no job with the given id.
    • createExternalWorkerJobAcquireBuilder

      org.flowable.job.api.ExternalWorkerJobAcquireBuilder createExternalWorkerJobAcquireBuilder()
      Create an ExternalWorkerJobAcquireBuilder that can be used to acquire jobs for an external worker.
    • createExternalWorkerJobFailureBuilder

      org.flowable.job.api.ExternalWorkerJobFailureBuilder createExternalWorkerJobFailureBuilder(String externalJobId, String workerId)
      Create an ExternalWorkerJobFailureBuilder that can be used to fail an external worker job.
      externalJobId - the id of the external worker job
      workerId - the id of the worker doing the action
    • createCmmnExternalWorkerTransitionBuilder

      CmmnExternalWorkerTransitionBuilder createCmmnExternalWorkerTransitionBuilder(String externalJobId, String workerId)
      Create a CmmnExternalWorkerTransitionBuilder that can be used to transition the status of the external worker job.
    • unacquireExternalWorkerJob

      void unacquireExternalWorkerJob(String jobId, String workerId)
      Unaquire a locked external worker job.
    • unacquireAllExternalWorkerJobsForWorker

      void unacquireAllExternalWorkerJobsForWorker(String workerId)
      Unaquire all locked external worker jobs for worker.
    • unacquireAllExternalWorkerJobsForWorker

      void unacquireAllExternalWorkerJobsForWorker(String workerId, String tenantId)
      Unaquire all locked external worker jobs for worker and tenant.
    • createChangeTenantIdBuilder

      org.flowable.common.engine.api.tenant.ChangeTenantIdBuilder createChangeTenantIdBuilder(String fromTenantId, String toTenantId)
      Create a ChangeTenantIdBuilder that can be used to change the tenant id of the case instances and all the related instances. See CmmnChangeTenantIdEntityTypes for related instances.

      You must provide the source tenant id and the destination tenant id. All instances from the source tenant id in the CMMN scope will be changed to the target tenant id.

    • getLockManager

      org.flowable.common.engine.api.lock.LockManager getLockManager(String lockName)
      Acquire a lock manager for the requested lock. This is a stateless call, this means that every time a lock manager is requested a new one would be created. Make sure that you release the lock once you are done.
      lockName - the name of the lock that is being requested
      the lock manager for the given lock